2024 Anime Figure Collecting Beginner’s Guide

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anime figure collecting

Key Takeaways

  • Begin your anime figure collection by identifying your interests and setting clear goals.
  • Learn about different types of anime figures such as scales, Nendoroids, and Figmas.
  • Always verify the authenticity of figures to avoid bootlegs and ensure quality.
  • Set a realistic budget and look for deals to expand your collection without overspending.
  • Display and maintain your figures properly to keep them in pristine condition.

Jumpstart Your Anime Figure Collection

So, you’ve decided to dive into the vibrant world of anime figure collecting. Welcome! It’s an exciting journey, filled with colorful characters and intricate designs that can bring the essence of your favorite anime right into your room. But where do you start? Don’t worry, I’ll walk you through the basics, and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to building an anime figure collection that’s both impressive and deeply personal.

First Steps to Anime Figure Collecting

First things first, let’s talk about the initial steps you need to take. It might be tempting to just buy any figure that catches your eye, but hold on! To build a collection that you’ll love for years to come, it’s important to think about what you really want. Are you focusing on a single series or character? Or do you want a little bit of everything? Maybe you’re drawn to the craftsmanship and want to collect only the highest quality figures. Whatever your focus, understanding your own preferences is key.

Identifying Your Anime Collecting Goals

Now, let’s narrow down your goals. Why are you collecting? Is it purely for enjoyment, or are you looking at this as a potential investment? Some collectors focus on acquiring rare figures that might increase in value, while others are happy with more common, but no less beloved, pieces. And remember, there’s no right or wrong way to collect; it’s all about what brings you joy.

Understanding Anime Figure Types

There’s a whole universe of anime figures out there, and they come in different shapes, sizes, and levels of complexity. Let’s break down the most common types you’ll encounter:

Differences Between Scales, Nendoroids, and Figmas

  • Scale Figures: These are static figures that come in specific scales, like 1/7th or 1/10th the size of the character they represent. They’re known for their attention to detail and are often more expensive.
  • Nendoroids: These are small, usually chibi-style figures with interchangeable parts that allow you to pose and customize them. They’re great for those who love to create different scenes and expressions.
  • Figma: Figmas are articulated figures, which means they can be posed in various ways. They come with different accessories and faces, making them versatile for photography and display.

Each type has its own charm, and you might find yourself drawn to one more than the others. Scale figures are perfect for those who appreciate fine artistry, Nendoroids offer a cuteness overload and customization, while Figmas provide dynamic posing options.

Special Editions and Limited Releases

As you delve deeper, you’ll discover special editions and limited release figures. These are often tied to specific events or anniversaries and can be quite the catch due to their uniqueness and rarity. Keep an eye out for these gems, but be prepared; they can come with a heftier price tag and are often in high demand.

Where to Buy Anime Figures

With your goals set and a good understanding of figure types, you’re ready to start buying. But where? The internet is a treasure trove for anime figure collectors, but it’s also full of pitfalls. Let’s navigate this together.

Trusted Retailers and Online Marketplaces

For starters, stick to reputable retailers and online marketplaces. Websites like AmiAmi, HobbyLink Japan, and Tokyo Otaku Mode are fantastic places to find a wide range of figures. These sites often have pre-order options for upcoming releases, so you can secure a figure before it even hits the shelves. If you prefer shopping stateside, Right Stuf Anime and Crunchyroll Store are also reliable. And don’t forget physical stores; if you’re lucky enough to have a local anime shop, it’s worth checking out what they have in stock.

Avoiding Bootlegs and Recognizing Authenticity

Beware of bootlegs – counterfeit figures that are often of inferior quality. It’s not just about getting what you pay for; bootlegs can undermine the industry and the artists who work hard to create the figures we love. Authentic figures will have a sticker of authenticity, usually on the box, indicating they are licensed products. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Research the average price for the figure you’re interested in, and if you find one significantly cheaper, it’s likely a fake.

Another tip is to check the seller’s reviews and ratings. This is especially important on platforms like eBay or Amazon, where third-party sellers are involved. Customer feedback can be very telling, so take the time to read through it.

Setting a Budget for Your Collection

Collecting anime figures can be an expensive hobby, but with smart planning, it doesn’t have to break the bank.

Planning Your Spending on Anime Figures

Before you start buying, decide on a budget. How much are you willing to spend monthly or annually on figures? Be realistic and consider other financial obligations. It’s okay to start small; even a few figures can make a collection special. And remember, your collection should be a source of happiness, not financial stress.

Finding the Best Deals and Sales

Here’s a secret: you don’t always have to pay full price. Sales and deals are your best friends. Keep an eye on the retailers I mentioned earlier for seasonal sales or clearance events. Join mailing lists to get notifications on discounts. Another great option is to buy pre-owned figures from trusted sites like Mandarake or MyFigureCollection. Users often sell figures in excellent condition for a fraction of the original price.

Displaying and Caring for Your Figures

You’ve started to build your collection, and now it’s time to show it off! Displaying your figures can be as much an art as the figures themselves.

Effective Display Techniques

Display cases or shelves with glass doors are ideal to keep dust at bay while showcasing your figures. LED lighting can add a dramatic effect and bring out the colors and details of your figures. Arrange them by series, character, or even color – the choice is yours. Just make sure each figure has enough space; crowding too many together can make your collection look cluttered.

Maintenance and Cleaning Tips

Keeping your figures clean will ensure they last a long time and continue to look great. Use a soft brush or compressed air to gently remove dust, and for tougher grime, a damp cloth with a bit of mild soap will do the trick. Just be sure to avoid harsh chemicals and to dry the figure thoroughly afterward.

For example, I once had a figure that seemed to have a stubborn smudge on its face. Instead of using any kind of solvent, I took a cotton swab, dipped it in warm water with a touch of soap, and carefully cleaned the area. It worked like a charm, and the figure looked as good as new!

Remember, the joy of collecting anime figures isn’t just in the number of pieces you have, but in the care and attention you give to each one. Treat them well, and they’ll be a source of pride for years to come.

Forums and Social Media Groups

Part of the fun of collecting is sharing your passion with others. There are numerous online forums and social media groups where you can connect with fellow collectors. Places like Reddit’s r/animefigures, MyFigureCollection, and dedicated Facebook groups are fantastic for advice, sharing photos of your collection, and staying up-to-date with the latest releases.

Engaging with the community can also lead to friendships, trades, and learning about figures you might not have discovered on your own. Just remember to always be respectful and considerate; every collector has their own unique taste and budget.

Sharing Your Collection and Experiences

When you’ve invested time and love into building your collection, it’s natural to want to share it with the world. Social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter are perfect for this. Use hashtags relevant to your figures or the anime they’re from, and you’ll quickly find an audience who appreciates your collection as much as you do.

Don’t be shy about sharing your experiences, too. Whether it’s the thrill of finally acquiring a rare figure or the frustration of a delayed shipment, your stories add a personal touch to your collection and can resonate with others on the same journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you’re new to anime figure collecting, you probably have a lot of questions. Let’s tackle some of the most common ones to give you a clearer picture and help you make informed decisions.

How Do I Know If an Anime Figure Is Worth Buying?

Deciding whether an anime figure is worth buying comes down to a few factors. Consider the figure’s quality, rarity, your personal attachment to the character, and its potential to appreciate in value. Do some research on the manufacturer and check reviews from other collectors. And most importantly, ask yourself if the figure will bring you joy. If the answer is yes, it’s probably a worthwhile addition to your collection.

For example, a figure by a reputable company like Good Smile Company is generally a safe bet in terms of quality and resale value. But if you’re looking at a figure from a less-known manufacturer, you’ll want to do some extra digging to ensure it meets your standards.

  • Check the manufacturer’s reputation in the collecting community.
  • Read reviews and watch unboxing videos to gauge quality.
  • Consider how the figure fits into your collection’s theme or goals.

What’s the Best Way to Track Anime Figure Releases?

Keeping track of upcoming releases is crucial if you want to get your hands on new figures, especially limited editions. Websites like MFC (MyFigureCollection.net) offer release calendars and databases where you can set up notifications for figures you’re interested in. Following manufacturers and retailers on social media is also a good strategy, as they often announce new figures and open pre-orders there first.

Is It Better to Buy Anime Figures Pre-Owned or New?

There are pros and cons to both. Buying new ensures that you’re getting an untouched figure, often with a warranty or return option. However, pre-owned figures can be significantly cheaper and just as good in quality, especially if they come from a reputable source. Always check for signs of wear and ask for photos of the actual figure when buying second-hand.

How Can I Tell If a Figure Is Bootleg?

Spotting a bootleg can be tricky, but there are some telltale signs. Look for a genuine sticker of authenticity on the box, usually a holographic seal. The quality of the packaging can also be a giveaway; official products tend to have sharper images and correct spelling. If the figure itself looks off in terms of color, sculpt, or paint job compared to official photos, it might be a fake.

What Should I Do If I Run Out of Space for My Collection?

Running out of space is a common issue for collectors. Before you start selling off pieces or halting your collection, consider reorganizing. Rotating figures, using wall-mounted shelves, or acquiring a new display case can all help. If you do decide to downsize, sell or trade figures that no longer fit your collecting goals or that you’re no longer attached to. This not only frees up space but can also give you extra funds for future purchases.
