Levi Life-Size ‘Attack on Titan’ Figures: Best Quality and Collectible Options

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collectible figures

Imagine standing shoulder to shoulder with the indomitable Levi Ackerman from ‘Attack on Titan’, not just in spirit but with a life-size figure that dominates your collection. The thrill of owning a piece that is as close to the real deal as it gets is something every collector dreams of. And now, it’s not just a dream. Let’s dive into what makes these Levi figures a must-have and how you can secure one for yourself.

Levi Life-Size ‘Attack on Titan’ Figures: A Collector’s Pride

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill action figures that you line up on a shelf. We’re talking about a life-size, meticulously crafted statue of one of anime’s most revered characters. It’s an eye-catching centerpiece that tells everyone you’re not just a fan; you’re a connoisseur of fine collectibles. So, what sets these Levi figures apart?

Firstly, the sheer size is a statement in itself. With options in both 1/3 and 1/1 scale, you can choose how imposing you want Levi to be in your space. The 1/3 scale stands at a respectable 62cm, while the full-scale version towers at an impressive 186cm. Each figure is a limited edition, meaning you’ll be one of the few to own this piece of ‘Attack on Titan’ history.

  • Life-size figures for an immersive experience
  • Limited edition status for exclusivity
  • Two scale options to fit your space
  • High-quality materials and craftsmanship
  • Pre-order availability with worldwide shipping

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty details that make these figures stand out.

Key Takeaways from the Latest Collectible Craze

When you’re investing in a figure of this caliber, you’re not just buying a statue; you’re investing in a piece of art. The craftsmanship that goes into each Levi figure is second to none. From the realistic texture of his Survey Corps uniform to the lifelike glint in his eye, every detail is painstakingly reproduced.

Moreover, the figures are produced under official license, ensuring that every aspect of Levi’s portrayal is accurate to the source material. This authenticity is crucial, not just for the aesthetic but for maintaining the figure’s value over time.

Now, if you’re considering adding Levi to your collection, here’s what you need to know:

Detailed Craftsmanship of Levi ‘Attack on Titan’ Figures

Every collector knows that the devil is in the details, and with Levi, the details are nothing short of divine. The sculpting process captures every nuance of his character, from the steely gaze to the folds in his uniform.

Exquisite Attention to Detail in Sculpting

The figure’s sculpt is the cornerstone of its appeal. The team behind these figures includes talented artists who specialize in bringing anime characters to life. They understand the importance of getting every curve and contour just right, ensuring that Levi’s presence is as commanding in your room as it is on screen.

And it’s not just about looks. The figure’s pose is dynamic, capturing Levi in mid-action, which makes you feel like he’s about to leap into battle. This dynamic pose adds to the figure’s realism and makes it a captivating sight from every angle.

But what really brings Levi to life is the paintwork.

Accuracy of Paintwork and Textiles

The color palette used for Levi’s figure is carefully chosen to match the anime. But it’s not just about matching colors; it’s about creating depth and realism through shading and highlighting. The paintwork on the life-size figure adds dimension, making the muscles, fabric, and even the weapons look incredibly lifelike.

The textiles used for the clothing are also noteworthy. Rather than opting for painted-on details, the figure features real fabric for the uniform, complete with accurate textures and patterns. This not only adds to the realism but also gives the figure a tactile quality that’s rare in collectibles.

Next, let’s talk about the face, because we all know Levi’s expression is iconic.

The Intricacy of Facial Features and Accessories

Levi’s stoic expression is a critical aspect of his character, and the figure captures it perfectly. The eyes are especially important, and they’re designed to reflect light in a way that mimics the depth and intensity of a real human gaze.

And let’s not forget the accessories. Levi’s iconic blades and gear are reproduced with precision, right down to the smallest buckle and blade. These accessories are not just add-ons; they’re integral parts of the figure that contribute to its overall impact.

With such attention to detail, these figures are more than just collectibles; they’re a tribute to the character of Levi and the ‘Attack on Titan’ series.

Authenticity and Quality Standards

When you’re shelling out for a life-size figure, you want to be sure you’re getting the real deal. That’s why it’s essential to know about the authenticity and quality standards of these Levi figures.

Each figure comes with a certificate of authenticity, ensuring that you’re receiving an officially licensed product. This is crucial for maintaining the value of your figure, as unofficial products can’t guarantee the same level of detail or quality.

  • Officially licensed product with a certificate of authenticity
  • High-quality materials for durability and detail
  • Limited edition status ensures exclusivity and collectible value
  • Pre-order availability to secure your figure before release
  • Worldwide shipping to bring Levi to collectors around the globe

Additionally, the materials used in the construction of the figure are top-notch. You’re not just getting a plastic statue; you’re getting a figure made with a combination of high-quality resins, metals, and fabrics that will stand the test of time.

Now, let’s explore the different options available for these figures.

Materials Used in Construction

The choice of materials for these figures is a balance between durability and detail. The resins used are selected for their ability to capture fine details, such as the texture of Levi’s hair and the creases in his uniform. Metals are used strategically to add weight and stability to the figure, ensuring it stands securely.

The fabrics, as mentioned earlier, are not just any textiles. They are chosen for their likeness to the actual materials depicted in the anime, contributing to the figure’s authenticity and overall aesthetic.

With such high standards, it’s clear that these Levi figures are built to impress and endure. But there’s more to it than just the materials.

Official Licensing and Brand Collaboration

The collaboration between the figure manufacturers and the ‘Attack on Titan’ brand ensures that every aspect of Levi’s portrayal is accurate and approved. This partnership is a stamp of approval for collectors, signifying that the figure is a true representation of the character as intended by the creators.

Not only does this collaboration result in a figure that’s true to Levi’s character, but it also means that part of your purchase supports the creators and the anime industry. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

So, you’re convinced that you need one of these Levi figures in your life. But what are your options in terms of size and scale? Let’s take a closer look.

Life-Size Figure Specifications and Options

Choosing the right size for your Levi figure is crucial. It’s not just about the space it will occupy, but also about the presence you want it to have in your collection.

Variations in Scale: 1/3 and 1/1 Models

The 1/3 scale model is perfect for those who want a substantial figure but have limited space. At 62cm tall, it’s large enough to be a focal point without overwhelming a room. On the other hand, the 1/1 scale model is a true behemoth at 186cm, designed for those who want to make a bold statement.

Both scales are impressive in their own right, and the choice ultimately comes down to personal preference and display considerations. Remember, the larger the figure, the more detail it can showcase, but it also requires more space and a larger investment.

Now, let’s talk specifics on dimensions and weight.

Dimensions and Weight Details

The 1/3 scale model measures 62cm in height, 30cm in width, and 30cm in depth, making it a sizable addition to any collection. The 1/1 scale, as mentioned, stands at a towering 186cm, with a width of 117cm and a depth of 90cm, truly capturing Levi’s presence.

As for weight, the figures are substantial, with the 1/3 scale weighing in at a manageable level, while the 1/1 scale is significantly heavier, reflecting its size and the materials used. Exact weights will be provided by the manufacturer, ensuring you know what you’re getting and can plan accordingly for display and support.

With these options in mind, it’s time to consider the value these figures hold, not just as collectibles but as investments.

Investment Value and Rarity

Collecting isn’t just a hobby; it’s an investment in art and culture. And when it comes to investment value, rarity plays a significant role. Limited edition figures like these Levi statues are produced in restricted quantities, enhancing their rarity and, by extension, their potential value over time.

  • Limited edition status increases collectible value
  • High-quality craftsmanship ensures long-term appeal
  • Official licensing adds to authenticity and investment potential
  • Pre-order options allow you to secure your investment early
  • Worldwide shipping ensures collectors everywhere can participate

Remember, the fewer pieces that are available, the more desirable they become to collectors. This desirability is what can drive the value of your figure up as the years go by.

But owning a collectible of this caliber also comes with responsibilities. You’ll want to ensure you’re preserving its condition to maintain its value.

Limited Edition Figures and Exclusivity

The exclusivity of these figures cannot be overstated. With a limited production run, each figure is a rare piece that will be coveted by collectors worldwide. Owning one of these statues not only gives you bragging rights but also positions you as a serious collector with an eye for quality and rarity.

And with pre-orders available, you have the opportunity to secure your figure before they even hit the market. This early bird approach is often the best way to ensure you don’t miss out on limited edition collectibles like these.

But how do you keep such a prized piece in pristine condition? That’s where preservation tips come in.

Preservation Tips for Longevity and Value Retention

Protecting your investment is key, and there are several steps you can take to ensure your Levi figure remains in top condition. First, consider the display location. You’ll want to keep it out of direct sunlight to prevent any fading or damage from UV rays. Additionally, a stable temperature and humidity-controlled environment will help preserve the materials.

Regular dusting is also essential, as dust can accumulate and detract from the figure’s appearance over time. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently remove any dust from the surface, and consider a glass display case to protect it from the elements and accidental damage.

Finally, be mindful of handling. While it’s tempting to touch and adjust the figure, excessive handling can lead to wear and tear. Handle your figure with care, and always ensure your hands are clean to avoid transferring oils or dirt.

  • Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading
  • Maintain a stable temperature and humidity level
  • Dust regularly with a soft, dry cloth
  • Consider a glass display case for added protection
  • Handle with care and clean hands

By following these tips, you can help ensure your Levi figure remains a valuable and cherished part of your collection for years to come.

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge to choose and care for your Levi figure, let’s look at how to make it yours.

Purchasing and Pre-Order Information

Getting your hands on one of these Levi figures requires a bit of planning. Pre-orders are often the best route, as they guarantee you’ll receive your figure upon release. But understanding the pre-sale policies is crucial.

Understanding Pre-Sale Policies

Pre-sale policies can vary, so it’s important to read the fine print before placing your order. Some manufacturers require a deposit, while others may ask for full payment upfront. Additionally, you’ll want to be aware of the estimated shipping dates and any potential delays.

It’s also wise to look into the company’s cancellation and refund policies. Life can be unpredictable, and you’ll want to know your options should you need to cancel your pre-order for any reason.

Now, let’s talk about how you can save some money on your purchase.

Insights into Payment and Discounts

When pre-ordering, look out for early bird discounts or payment options that might offer savings. Some companies provide discounts for payments made through specific methods, such as bank transfers. These savings can be significant, especially when investing in a high-ticket item like a life-size figure.

  • Check for early bird or pre-order discounts
  • Consider payment methods that offer additional savings
  • Be aware of deposit requirements and total costs
  • Read the terms and conditions carefully before committing
  • Keep an eye on exchange rates if purchasing internationally

Being savvy with your payment method can make your investment in a Levi figure more affordable and even more satisfying.

But once you’ve made your purchase, what comes next? Shipping and customer support are critical aspects of the buying process, especially for international collectors.

Global Distribution and Customer Support

One of the great things about these Levi figures is that they’re available for worldwide shipping. No matter where you are, you can have Levi standing tall in your collection. But understanding the logistics of international shipping is important.

Logistics of Worldwide Shipping from China

Since these figures are shipped from China, you’ll want to be informed about the shipping process. This includes understanding shipping fees, which can vary depending on your location, and the shipping method, which can affect delivery times.

It’s also important to be aware of any customs fees or import taxes that may apply to your country. These additional costs can add up, so factor them into your budget when planning your purchase.

Now, let’s address the support you can expect after your figure arrives.

After-Sales Service and Buyer Protection

Good customer support can make all the difference, especially with a purchase as significant as a life-size figure. Look for companies that offer robust after-sales service, including assistance with any issues that may arise during shipping or after delivery.

Additionally, buyer protection policies are essential. These policies can provide peace of mind by guaranteeing that you’ll receive a product that matches the description and is free from defects. In the rare event that there are issues, a solid buyer protection policy will ensure that they’re addressed promptly and satisfactorily.

With these considerations in mind, you’re well on your way to becoming the proud owner of a Levi life-size figure. It’s an investment in quality, rarity, and the love of ‘Attack on Titan’. So, take the plunge and let Levi take his rightful place in your collection.

Materials Used in Construction

Let’s talk materials because they’re the backbone of any figure’s longevity and allure. For these Levi figures, we’re looking at a blend of premium resins known for capturing fine details, durable metals that give the figure its solid feel, and textiles that add a touch of realism. This combination ensures your figure isn’t just a temporary showpiece but a long-standing tribute to ‘Attack on Titan’.

Official Licensing and Brand Collaboration

When it comes to collectibles, authenticity is king. That’s why these Levi figures come straight from a collaboration with the ‘Attack on Titan’ brand, ensuring every inch is true to the character you know and love. Official licensing means you’re getting a piece approved by the creators themselves, and that’s a big deal in the collector’s world.

Life-Size Figure Specifications and Options

Now, let’s get into the specifics. You’ve got two size options to choose from: the 1/3 scale model, perfect for display in a cozy corner, or the 1/1 scale model, for when you want to go all out. Both are impressive, but your choice will depend on how much space you’re willing to dedicate to Levi’s awesomeness.

Variations in Scale: 1/3 and 1/1 Models

The 1/3 scale is a solid choice for those tight on space but still wanting impact. It’s big enough to be noticed but won’t take over your room. The 1/1 scale, however, is the ultimate statement piece. Standing as tall as you are, it’s Levi in all his glory, and it’s sure to be the centerpiece of any collection.

Dimensions and Weight Details

Dimensions matter, folks. The 1/3 scale stands at a neat 62cm, while the 1/1 scale looms at 186cm. Weight-wise, you’re looking at a figure that feels substantial but is still manageable to move around for the 1/3 scale. The 1/1 scale, however, will need a dedicated spot where it can command the room as it deserves.

Investment Value and Rarity

Remember, these figures aren’t just eye candy; they’re investments. Rarity is what drives value in the collectibles market, and with these Levi figures being limited edition, you’re securing a piece that’s bound to appreciate over time. It’s about owning a slice of anime history that few others can claim.

Limited Edition Figures and Exclusivity

Exclusivity is the name of the game here. With only a handful of these figures in existence, owning one puts you in an elite club of collectors. It’s not just about the figure; it’s about the status it brings. And with the option to pre-order, you’re getting in on the ground floor before these figures become the stuff of legend.

These Levi figures aren’t just collectibles; they’re a statement, a piece of art, and an investment. They’re the embodiment of the passion you have for ‘Attack on Titan’ and a testament to the dedication of true collectors. So, whether you’re in it for the love of the series or the thrill of the hunt for rare pieces, these Levi figures are a must-have addition to your collection.

Preservation Tips for Longevity and Value Retention

Like any treasured possession, your Levi figure demands care. It’s not just about keeping it dust-free; it’s about preserving its essence for decades. Here’s the lowdown: keep it out of harsh sunlight to prevent fading, maintain a consistent temperature to avoid material warping, and consider a display case to shield it from accidental knocks. Handle your figure with clean hands and a gentle touch, and you’ll keep Levi in tip-top shape, just like he deserves.

  • Shield from sunlight to prevent color fading
  • Keep at a steady temperature and humidity
  • Invest in a display case for extra protection
  • Handle gently and with clean hands
  • Regular dusting to maintain a pristine look

Purchasing and Pre-Order Information

Alright, you’re ready to bring Levi home. But before you hit that ‘pre-order’ button, let’s make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into. Pre-orders are your best bet to secure one of these limited figures, but they come with their own set of rules. Read on to get the scoop.

Understanding Pre-Sale Policies

Every pre-sale is unique, so comb through the policies with a fine-tooth comb. Look for details on deposits, full payment timelines, and what happens if you need to cancel. Stay in the know about shipping dates and any potential delays that could affect when Levi arrives on your doorstep.

  • Check deposit requirements and payment schedules
  • Understand the cancellation and refund policies
  • Keep an eye on estimated shipping dates
  • Be aware of any potential delays
  • Read the terms and conditions thoroughly

Insights into Payment and Discounts

Who doesn’t love a good deal? When pre-ordering, keep your eyes peeled for discounts that can slice a nice chunk off the price tag. Some sellers might offer a price cut for early birds or if you opt for certain payment methods. A little bit of research could save you more than just a few bucks.

  • Early bird discounts can be a game-changer
  • Payment methods may come with their own perks
  • Be on the lookout for promotional codes
  • Factor in exchange rates if you’re buying internationally
  • Remember, every penny saved is a penny earned

Global Distribution and Customer Support

These Levi figures are globe-trotters, ready to ship anywhere you call home. But before you welcome Levi into your life, let’s tackle the logistics of getting him from the warehouse to your display case.

Logistics of Worldwide Shipping from China

International shipping can be a tricky beast. You’ll want to get familiar with shipping fees, which can swing wildly based on where you’re located. And don’t forget about customs fees or import taxes – those can sneak up on you and bite a chunk out of your wallet if you’re not careful.

  • Understand the shipping fees for your location
  • Choose the right shipping method for your needs
  • Factor in customs fees and import taxes
  • Plan for the total cost, not just the price of the figure
  • Patience is key – international shipping takes time

After-Sales Service and Buyer Protection

Once Levi’s set up and looking sharp, you’ll want the peace of mind that comes with solid customer support. Good after-sales service means you’ve got backup if anything goes awry during shipping or after Levi’s settled in. Buyer protection policies are your safety net, ensuring you get exactly what you paid for, in the condition you expect. No nasty surprises here.

  • Look for robust after-sales service
  • Buyer protection policies are a must
  • Check for a warranty or guarantee
  • Know how to contact support if you need it
  • Keep all your documentation handy for any claims

There you have it, future Levi owners. With these tips and insights, you’re all set to make an informed, savvy purchase. Remember, owning a life-size Levi figure is more than just a splurge; it’s an investment in your passion for ‘Attack on Titan’ and a bold statement in your collection. So go ahead, make that pre-order, and prepare to give Levi the grand welcome he deserves.

Expected Release and Reception

The buzz around these Levi figures is real, and the anticipation is building. Collectors and fans alike are marking their calendars for the projected release date in Q4 2023. It’s not just about getting your hands on one; it’s about being part of a moment in anime history.

Projected Release Date and Fan Anticipation

As Q4 2023 approaches, the excitement is palpable. Fans are already planning unboxing parties and display strategies. The countdown has begun, and the community is buzzing with speculation and planning. This isn’t just a release; it’s an event that will bring the ‘Attack on Titan’ fandom together in celebration.

  • Q4 2023: The countdown is on
  • Unboxing parties to celebrate the release
  • Community events and gatherings
  • Speculation and excitement in fan forums
  • Planning for the perfect display setup

Early Reviews and Collector Testimonials

Though the figures haven’t hit the shelves yet, a select few have gotten a sneak peek. The early reviews are in, and they’re glowing. Collectors who’ve seen prototypes are praising the attention to detail and the quality of the craftsmanship. The word ‘masterpiece’ is being thrown around, and that’s not something the collector community takes lightly.

“I’ve seen a lot of figures, but this Levi… it’s on another level. The detail, the presence—it’s a masterpiece.” – Early reviewer

Testimonials like these are stoking the flames of desire for collectors everywhere, making the wait for Q4 2023 all the more challenging.

Collecting Life-Size Figures: More than a Hobby

For those outside the collector’s circle, it might seem like just another hobby. But for us, it’s a way of life. Collecting life-size figures like Levi is about passion, appreciation for art, and a deep connection to the stories and characters that shape our world.

The Cultural Impact of ‘Attack on Titan’

‘Attack on Titan’ has left an indelible mark on pop culture. Its themes of resilience, struggle, and the human spirit resonate with fans globally. By collecting figures from the series, we’re not just showcasing our fandom; we’re paying homage to a story that’s touched our lives deeply. It’s a way to keep the spirit of the series alive, long after the final episode airs.

Pride of Place: Displaying Your Levi Figure

When you bring a life-size Levi into your home, it’s not just about finding a spot where it fits. It’s about giving it pride of place—a central location where it can be admired and appreciated. This figure isn’t just a piece of your collection; it’s a centerpiece, a conversation starter, and a source of inspiration.

  • Choose a central location for display
  • Ensure proper lighting to highlight the figure
  • Keep it secure and stable to avoid accidents
  • Create a backdrop that complements the figure
  • Share your display on social media and collector forums

FAQs about Levi Life-Size Figures

Got questions? You’re not alone. Here are some of the most common queries collectors have about the Levi life-size figures:

What Are the Different Sizes Available for Levi Figures?

There are two main sizes for the Levi figures: the 1/3 scale, which stands at 62cm, and the 1/1 scale, which is a full 186cm tall. The right size for you will depend on your space and how much of a statement you want to make.

Can International Customers Purchase These Figures?

Absolutely! These figures are available for worldwide shipping, so no matter where you are, you can have a Levi of your own. Just be sure to factor in shipping costs and any potential customs fees.

  • Worldwide shipping is available
  • Consider additional costs like shipping and customs fees
  • Plan for the arrival with proper space and display considerations

What Payment Methods Are Accepted for Pre-Orders?

Most manufacturers accept various payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal, and sometimes bank transfers. Some even offer discounts for certain payment methods, so keep an eye out for those savings.

Are These Figures Officially Licensed?

Yes, these Levi figures are officially licensed products. This means they’re approved by the creators of ‘Attack on Titan’ and meet the high standards of quality and authenticity that collectors expect.

There you have it, folks. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or new to the game, these Levi life-size figures are a testament to your passion for ‘Attack on Titan’ and a bold statement in the world of collectibles. With the release on the horizon, it’s time to get ready to welcome Levi into your home and into your heart. Happy collecting!

What Are the Different Sizes Available for Levi Figures?

Choice is the spice of life, and when it comes to these Levi figures, you’ve got options. The 1/3 scale model is a compact 62cm tall, perfect for a shelf or desk display. But if you’re looking to go big, the 1/1 scale model stands at a full 186cm, truly life-size, and ready to make a statement in any room. Think about your space, your budget, and just how much of Levi’s steely gaze you want to be greeted with every day.

Can International Customers Purchase These Figures?

Good news for Levi fans around the globe: these figures are not bound by borders. International shipping is available, so whether you’re in the bustling streets of Tokyo or the quiet suburbs of Ohio, you can have a piece of ‘Attack on Titan’ right there with you. Just remember to account for the shipping fees, customs duties, and any taxes that might apply. These extra costs can be significant, so it’s best to calculate them early on to avoid any surprises.

Are These Figures Officially Licensed?

Let’s put any doubts to rest: these Levi figures are the real deal, officially licensed and approved by the powers that be behind ‘Attack on Titan’. This means every detail, every stitch of the uniform, and every glint in Levi’s eye is as authentic as it gets. For collectors, this seal of approval is crucial—it’s what distinguishes a prized possession from a mere novelty.
